Research at TEXOVERSUM Fakultät Textil
Research and development at the TEXOVERSUM Faculty of Textiles is wide-ranging and interdisciplinary. In textile technology, fashion business and design, our experts conduct research on a wide range of topics in areas such as sustainability, digitalization, health and mobility.
We cooperate successfully both nationally and internationally with renowned partners. Our research partners are large companies as well as small start-ups, other universities and institutes or non-governmental organizations.
Main research areas

Research activities and projects
National and international projects in the context of future-oriented education, innovative technologies, innovative design, interdisciplinarity, sustainability: an overview of the entire research spectrum of the TEXOVERSUM Faculty of Textiles.
Of course, the Texoversum has extensive laboratories covering all aspects of the textile chain and beyond, where not only teaching but also research is carried out. Here is an insight

The scientists at ESB Business School publish their research results in renowned publications on a national and international level.

As a member of the Baden-WĂĽrttemberg Doctoral Association, Reutlingen University has been authorised to guide doctoral students to a doctorate since autumn 2022. Since then, graduates with a passion for research have been able to obtain their doctorate under the supervision of professors with a strong research background. In addition, there are still opportunities for cooperative doctorates at various universities in Germany and abroad as well as in the form of collaborations between professors at the faculty and universities.

Become a part of our research team
Permanent positions, research stays, internships - we are constantly looking for strong research reinforcement. For further information, take a look at our current job advertisements.

Reutlingen Research Institute
The Reutlingen Research Institute (RRI) is a central service facility of Reutlingen University. It serves to support and develop all activities in the field of research and development.
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